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The Ram’s Head on Moss Street was another of those
pubs that grew from a small corner shop into a beerhouse.
In 1861, George and Zilpah Davison lived at 2-4 Moss
Street and are described in the census of that year as provision sellers. This
was the typical corner shop; the first building on the right-hand side as you
entered Moss Street, situated on the corner of Greenhalgh Street.
Ten years later and George Davision was now a shopkeeper
and beer seller having paid the two guineas to turn his house into premises
licensed to sell beer. His three children lived and worked with him, Zilpah
having died in 1870. George gave up the pub business after just a few years and
Daniel Farrington was the owner of the Ram’s Head by 1876. George went back to
being a grocer, this time at a corner shop in nearby Bolton Street.
The Ram’s Head was later bought by Magees. Moss
Street baths opened nearby in 1924, but ironically this development probably
hindered the pub rather than helped it. In order to make room for the new
baths, five rows of houses were demolished on Greenhalgh Street, Richmond
Terrace and Richmond Place. That took out part of the Ram’s Head’s customer
base, one that probably wasn’t replaced by a steady stream of potential
customers coming from the baths.